Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Joe Hill Connects With Stiles "Tim Peet"

Some 40 years later I connected with Timmy Peet (sorry, that's how I'll always remember him!) on Facebook.

Tim was right next door to me on Carr Dorm my senior year. I often spent time in Tim's room listening to Phillie Soul and Jimi Hendrix! He got me through some long days and nights at Sarum School! Here's a great recent pic of Tim

Tim reports that he returned to Salisbury for a reunion in 2006 with Ralph Quinones and stayed at Chris Janelli's house while there. Apparently Tim had a growth spurt after leaving Salisbury and outgrew even Ross Voorhees over the years. I recall Ross as having quite a formidable football physique. Tim is a professional structural engineer in Florida and Colorado. He has promised to fill me in on more soon so when he does I will update this post.


Monday, June 22, 2009

From Tom Lincoln '69

Our 40th reunion on Saturday, June 6th was an excellent occasion for our class. (A very nice gathering after so many years.)The physical plant looked great and the new boathouse was particularly worthwhile to see up close. Also, it was nice to see Woody Rutter and Carl Williams although I've seen both from time to time either in Dataw, SC or even still coaching the ski team in the Berkshires. Since Salisbury and college at LFC, my time has been spent building a career in the property and casualty commercial insurance business and enjoying the multitude of family activities. My wife, Wendy and I live in West Hartford and have raised two children, Courtney 28 - married and teaching special education in Colorado and Graham 25 - a financial associate in Boston. If any free time exists, we spend it by sailing our Sabre 402 between CT., NY., RI. & MA. from May to Nov. (The work is like raising a third child but very enjoyable and satisfying.)If anyone would like to go for a day sail with us, just contact me at: tlincoln@rcknox.com(We have dramamine on board.)Also, people typically drive through Hartford on the way to Boston, VT., NY or elsewhere. If anyone wants to grab lunch, please feel free to contact me. Thank you Joe for setting up this blog as I'm sure that many of us will utilize it. (I'll email two pics and hope they make it. The first is our Sabre 402 "Anemone" and the second is me and Courtney having lunch at Winter Park in March.)TL

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tribute To Art Ingraham - Please leave your thoughts.

I recently learned that Arthur Ingraham (always affectionately and privately referred to as "Hawk" by many students because he was sharp and you could never get anything by him!) died in 2007 in Lubbock Texas. I hope Salisbury classmates from '69 and '70 will leave their thoughts here by clicking on the "post comments" at the bottom of this blog. To me Arthur epitomized what was so challenging about boarding school. Up at the crack of dawn. Remember Art running the student store before breakfast at 6:30 am? I never had him as a teacher as I think he was mostly a 9th grade history teacher. But as a soccer coach he was nothing short of dynamic and demanding. And he got results from our 68-69 team (7-2-2). I was given my first job in 1974 when Art was headmaster of Hewlett School. I walked into his office with a B.A. in history. He said, "Can you teach science?" I was really surprised but stammered, "uh, sure, why not?" I think he just wanted me to work for him which is flattering. I will always be grateful to him for that favor! I also remember a number of classmates being enamored of his lovely wife, Betsey! Can anyone remember his car? It was always parked next to Bill Steglitz's wild Barracuda outside Payson. In any event, please leave your thoughts and memories of Arthur here. Posted by Joe Hill

Notes On Wilson Ben '69

Wilson Ben lives in San Antonio, Texas. His address is 7318 Silent Spring San Antonio, TX 78250. Wilson's wife is an infection control nurse at Wilford Hall Hospital at Lackland AFB.
Wilson recently retired as Lt. Colonel of the United States Air Force. Tom Lincoln ('69) and I viewed the very impressive ceremony on dvd recently. Wilson paid tribute to Salisbury as well as other forces in his life. If anyone would like a copy of the dvd just email him at FORLUVAGOD@AOL.COM or me at josephkhillnh@yahoo.com as I have a copy as well.
I recall Wilson being a speedy forward on the 68-69 soccer team that went 7-2-2 under coach Ingraham and finished 4th in WNEPSSA (Western New England Prep School Soccer Association.)

Submitted by Joe Hill '69

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Notes On Ed Clay '69

After more years than he would care to admit teaching special education, Ed Clay has begun teaching regular ed 7th grade social studies in hometown Phillie area. Ed looked great at the reunion. Hadn't really changed much at all. He's an avid outdoor hiker and that probably explains it. Many of you might know that Ed taught under Ed Ward at Salisbury in the early 80s. Ed expressed his wish to remain in touch with Salisbury classmates and is looking forward to a possible unofficial get-together in the near future.

(Submitted by Joe Hill '69)

From Chris Janelli, Class of '70.

Friday, June 12, 2009

From Joe Hill '69

Hello Salisbury Classmates! 40 Years! Where to begin? I am married and living in Dover, New Hampshire. I have spent my entire career in education starting as a teacher/coach under Headmaster Arthur Ingraham at the Hewlett School in East Islip, NY in 1974. Since then I have taught at The Fenn School, Portledge School, Kittery, Maine Public Schools and Rye, NH Public Schools. I currently teach social studies at an alternative school in Hampton, NH.

I have two kids - Avery (daughter) 25 and Jonathan 22 and two stepchildren - Vivien 26 and Will 23. My wife, Sara, is a realtor in the seacoast, NH area.

I am hoping this blog will lead to reconnections of Salisbury classmates and informal "unofficial" alumni gatherings as well as our next reunion date at the school - 2014. I just attended our '09 with Tom Lincoln, Jim Truelove, Dave Kleeman, Ed Clay, Will Hiltz, Eric Morrow and Chris Janelli. A formidable lineup! It was great! Present were Mr. Williams and Mr. Rutter. A bit of sad news I learned: Arthur Ingraham died in 2007.

The pictures I enclose in this post are of me and my wife, Sara, at an Oscar Night party a few years ago. I am supposed to be Jack Nicholson and she is supposed to be Grace Kelly. You decide. The other picture was taken last Thanksgiving. On my right is my daughter and on my left is my great nephew and his aunt.

Hope to hear from you! Best to all. Send me your blog entries! josephkhillnh@yahoo.com